I'm sorry, I'm sorry! the news wasn't so fit to print last week for the most part...or rather, perhaps i wasn't so fit to print it. still working on that heavy feeling - but i think this weekend did a lot to help that.
My amazingly wonderful and handsome husband turned 40 on Saturday. We had a low key but very fun party for him at a local park. What was incredibly fabulous is that some of our friends from california were able to come, some of our family from california were able to come, some friends and family from here, and, the surprise to end all surprises, Debbie, Rob's oldest sister, flew out from texas to be here. to say that rob was deeply touched would be an understatement. I think having our friends and family here was good for the soul - mine as well as rob's. it was really fun to watch all the kids having a wonderful time playing together with a minimum of hurt feelings etc. Bob brought a bacci ball (bocci?) set and he and rob played along with several of the kids. it was a joy to watch them all laughing and having fun.
MIL, Pat and Debbie made a very yummy cake - the frosting is the most amazing part of the cake. it's probably 12 pounds of chocolate and then 12 pounds of butter. SO yummy! they also helped so much by bringing the paper and plastic goods, some bread and brie (i had bought one triangle of brie, but was worried it wouldn't be enough). i made aram sandwiches - veggie ones and turkey ones. i should have made 2 batches of the veggie sandwiches as those went like gangbusters. i was delighted at how easy they were to make. i bought lavash from trader joes, some light cream cheese, sun dried tomatoes that i blended into small pieces, then i put fresh basil, fresh mozzarella, heirloom tomatoes, and roasted bell peppers on them (the turkey ones had turkey - obviously *smile*). i rolled them up and then cut them into 6 circles. they turned out really well. i was quite pleased with them and with myself. i also made a yummy salad w/very cute little tiny mozzarella balls in them. we had various snacks and fruit to keep everyone pretty happy (at least that was the hope). I think we were successful.
the park was perfect, the soccer games had just ended when we got there to set up. the weather was *supposed* to have been in the 90s. happily, it was overcast and probably in the high 70s lower 80s. delightful. the wind was only bad a few times. the kids had a fabulous time at the park - they played and played and played. there were 8 kids ranging from 15 months to almost 7. i tried to be a good hostess and hopefully was successful. sometimes i had my eye mostly on where rhys was, sometimes i was able to talk to our friends and family. jolie and my cousin, erica watched the kids a lot of the time - i thank them very much for doing that.

i love this picture w/all the kids anxiously awaiting their slice of cake
we got home close to 5:45 i think. Erica, Vicki, and Erica's boys were staying with us. i got the kids fed (the adults were all still pretty full) and erica got them bathed, then i put rhys down, vicki read to irene, erica was getting her boys down. Vicki then offered to watch the kids while rob and i went out to the casino to gamble w/our friends, bob, mark, and celeste. we found a 5.00 black jack table that was empty so all 5 of us got to play. it was such fun! rob and i started w/20.00 and i had 60.00 in my pocket when i finished playing. i think for the night we ended 40.00 up - so that's pretty darn good! and to have fun and get to chat w/your friends as your playing - what a delight! it was 12:45 am when we got home. i don't think we've stayed out that late since rhys was born. bob got rob a fabulous frufru cup to hold onto filled w/a margarita. mark later refilled it for him, so rob was feeling no pain.
the next day we had brunch at the el dorado. it was delicious and there were about a million things from which to choose. i think all the kids greatly enjoyed their meals - pancakes and bacon for rhys, french toast, bacon, and pancakes. both followed it up with ice cream - heh heh.
we all greatly enjoyed one another's company. it was so special to have debbie there. as rob says, it's never enough time. erica, vicki, and the boys headed out a bit before we did, so we said our goodbyes as they headed for tracy. soon after taking some fun pictures, it was time for debbie, pat, and bob (rob's dad, not our friend) headed back to lodi. mark, celeste, bob, rob, the kids and i stuck around for a bit longer. bob and rob had found the green stamps slots so they went there, the kids and i stayed and watched a rhythmic gymnast at circus circus. she was pretty darned amazing! irene loved it. after that, we went looking for rob et al. found them, i talked to them a few minutes and then got a bit busted for corrupting the minors. irene, rhys and i went outside (the slot machine was fairly close to the door) and proceeded to dance to Joy to the World (3 dog night, not the christmas song) on the sidewalk outside. we were probably pretty funny to watch, but i didn't care - and the kids sure didn't care. mark and celeste found us and we went up and got some coffee (vanilla milks for the kiddos). rob and bob eventually found us and then it was time to say our goodbyes. it was really a wonderful visit and my children, i'm happy to say, were quite delightful and polite when we were at brunch and in the casino.
we came back home and relaxed. it was a good weekend. i feel grateful for my friends and my family and rob and i both feel well loved :)

not the best picture ever of us, but that's okay. l-r
pat, debbie, irene, rob, rhys, bob, celeste, mark, and bob

3 friends

now THIS is more like it.

and THIS is just hillarious. we'd been seeing these crazy posters all over - sigfried looks looney, roy looks completely cg and darren romeo looks absurd. so mark, bob and rob decided to recreate it. they did a pretty good job. hee hee!