how can it be that i went 37 years without getting strep throat and now i get it twice? in one month?? ugh! the first time, i went to the urgent care in lodi - i explained that i'd been the primary go to person for rhys and that he was practically inside of me for 48 hours straight. the quick strep test said i didn't have it so the dctor came in and said it was just viral and to deal with it by drinking tea etc. that was on sunday. on monday, i felt so incredibly awful. like i haven't felt since i had mastitis. happily, our friends were able to take irene to school and pick her up. i couldn't have driven if i'd wanted to. at one point i thought i was going to faint. crazy. and guess what happened a little after noon. nah, c'mon, guess! did you guess that lodi called to say that the culture WAS positive? you're so smart. at that point, rob offered to come home (bless him!) and pick up the abx on the way. i'm pretty anti antibiotics when they aren't needed, but man oh man, they were like manna from heaven! it still took me several days to feel like i could eat something other than tea (do you eat tea? no, not really). i took the meds for 7 of the 10 days. that, apparently, was a mistake - although, this doc that i saw today said that usually they only prescribe it for 5 days and only 3x/day, not 4x/day for 10 days.
here we are - waiting for doctor thomas. poor sweet bug.
anyway, yesterday i was feeling a little throaty. last night around midnight, i knew i was in trouble. and today is nevada day - not really, but it's the day that the state decided to celebrate it. what? you don't know when your state entered the union? nevada is big on it. it's a holiday for banks, doctors, schools, not mail. anyway, i needed to find an open urgent care. happily i found one and the kids and i were there when it opened. we were 3rd in line. doc was surprised that i might have it again - it's not usual to get it twice sort of back to back. who knows. i'm just lucky i guess.
hopefully the kids are totally fine b/c mom and ken are watching the kids --- OVERNIGHT!! -- for our anniversary. actually for saturday night - our anniversary is on sunday. we're hoping to go see a movie. in a real movie theater! rob won tickets way back on when he had his company picnic. it will be fun to use them for a grown up movie.
i'm going to try and add some captions to some of the past pictures.
hopefully i'll be a bit more bloggy soon.
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