WHAT? you say? pancakes in a can??? we saw them at costco. i thought they looked fun. rob thought it seemed a bit crazy. but he came home and googled them. that brought him to this article.
so, he and his dad had to go to costco and he got some!
here are some pictures of him making the pancakes:

snazzy, huh? one can made 18 pancakes. so one can fed 5 of us. they tasted pretty good, they're organic, which is great, but they are a bit spendy for having every saturday or sunday. BUT, how cool would these be for camping?? *I* think they'd be FABULOUSLY cool! especially when kids are suddenly ravenously hungry and don't want to wait for the mixing of the batter etc. it's fewer things to wash and the can is recyclable. you just need to keep it in a cooler - easy peasy!!
**edited to add for deirdre - for 3 cans (b/c, remember, we bought them at costco) it was 9.99. so 3.33/one can. not really super duper spendy, but i could buy an entire box of bisquick for less :)
Expensive for a can or expensive for feeding 5? Fess up - how much!?
First I'll admit - batter in a can would be AWESOME for camping. That said, organic doesn't mean it's necessarily good for you - it's not made with whole wheat flour. And organic doesn't necessarily mean green as the canister probably uses more water and resources to make than it does to wash out a bowl in your kitchen sink. But damn girl, now I need to go make some pancakes.
i know, i know, just because it's organic does not mean that it's good for you or for the environment. we didn't buy it for its greenness or for the fact that it was organic. we bought it because it looked like fun. and the afterthought was that for camping, it would be FAN FREAKIN TASTIC!!
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