Friday, April 04, 2008

change of plans

i am heading to concord tomorrow morning. gramma is doing - worse - differently? don't know how to explain it. she's with hospice due to congenital heart failure (chronic? ugh, can't think of the word right now - just spinning a bit). mom is down there on a planned visit. she got there this afternoon. so i'll miss the girl scout training, but i have parents that will be at the jump to juniors event with our girls - phew!! hoping to be back on sunday.
can everyone else please stay healthy for a long while? that would be great.


Bethiferous said...

(hugs) At least you can be there. Lean on your family.

TMyers said...

thinking of you -love to the family!

Laume said...


Anonymous said...

Add my arms to your hugs - you are all very lucky to have such a close family.
:-D eirdre