Monday, June 04, 2007

scattergories from debR

I got this from debR over at Red Shoe Ramblings.

Instructions: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following…They MUST be real places, names, things…nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the same 1st initial. You can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Your Name: Kristen
Famous Artist/Band/Musician: The Killers (The Kinks was going to be my other choice b/c i love "come dancing"...i wasn’t a huge huge fan of KISS which is also a good K band)
4 letter word: kiss
Vehicle: kia sportage
TV Show: Kids Are People Too
City: kathmandu
Boy Name: Ken
Girl Name: Kaitlyn and Karly (my nieces!)
Alcoholic drink: kamikazi
Occupation: kinesthesiologist (my first choice was knee doctor - heh heh)
Flower: king-cups
Something you wear: knickers
Celebrity: kyra sedgwick
Something found in a kitchen: knife
Cartoon Character: King Kong
Something You Shout: KISS ME!!!

and now i can tell you that i had never heard of king-cups and had to look them up. i also didn't remember that king kong was a cartoon character, but indeed he was.

wanna play?


Carrie said...

Eeew, how fun!

Kristen said...

heh heh - is that a GOOD comment? the eeeew makes it sound like it's not so very fun. giggle

Deb R said...

I'd never heard of king cups either!

Glad you played, kristen! I think K is a hard letter to do!

PS...I think I'm going to post another Scattergories thing this weekend, but this time with categories I made up. :-)

Anonymous said...

Can I post mine on yours?
Your Name: Annalisa
Famous Artist/Band/Musician: Adam Ant
4 letter word: asap (heh)
Vehicle: airplane
TV Show: all in the family
City: Amsterdam
Boy Name: Alexander
Girl Name: Alison
Alcoholic drink: Angel's Kiss
Occupation: actor
Flower: amaryllis
Something you wear: apron
Celebrity: Angelina Jolie
Something found in a kitchen: artichoke
Cartoon Character: Arthur
Something You Shout: Ah, um... this is a G-rated blog, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

OK, I'll play...

Your Name: Rob
Famous Artist/Band/Musician: REM
4 letter word: Rope
Vehicle: RAV4
TV Show: Real World
City: Reno
Boy Name: Robert
Girl Name: Reese :)
Alcoholic drink: Rum Runner
Occupation: Receptionist
Flower: Rose
Something you wear: Raincoat
Celebrity: Ron Livingston (Offce Space)
Something found in a kitchen: Refrigerator
Cartoon Character: Rocky (& Bullwinkle)
Something You Shout: Right On!

Kristen said...

deb - i'm all set to do your version! yea!! and yeah, k was a bit difficult...

anna! hey there :D thanks for doing this, and of COURSE you can do it on my blog. i am glad you did. and some days, this blog is a bit nc-17...though not quite so much as in its early days...i think there was one particular post where i was quite angry with blogger and used many MANY colorful metaphors...and you lucky ducky! you got to have Adam Ant!

rob *beam* nice pull with ron livingston! *smoooooch*