Saturday, July 01, 2006

Rockin' Good Mail!!!

first off, i've gotta say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to MISS ROSE as well :)

so, today we're cleaning up the house slowly but surely b/c tomorrow we're going to celebrate rhys' b-day w/family. gotta clean a little bit, ya know. anyway, irene called and said "the mail is here" but what she REALLY meant was that the mail guy was coming to our house to deliver PACKAGES!

do you know what was in the package for me? do you? nah, you don't. but it's so ROCKIN' COOL i'm the luckiest luckiest girly ever ever EVER! I received THIS in the mail!!! what you might not know about Moofish is that i have LUSTED over it since i first saw it. Deb Richardson (to whom i often link), is just a truly amazing quilter. I have two of her very wonderful postcards and she made a quilt portrait of Irene called Tiny Dancer. when we moved to petaluma, she sent my a sweet quiltlet of a catfish which i love and it is now in our kitchen where i see it every single day. but now i have MOOFISH!!!! oh my DOG! it's just wonderful. even more so in person! we have already put it up in our dining room. we had a big blank space in between two little windows that is just PERFECT for it! when rhys saw it, he said, "LOOK, DADDY! It's You and ReneBean!" Then Rob said, "oh! is that mama with you and renebean?" "yes, daddy!" and he decided that the bottome left picture is him w/his gramps. he laughed when he saw the cow pining over the cowfish. irene loves it too and rob thinks it's pretty amazing. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU, Deb! It will be SO well loved forever and ever! i really don't know if i can thank you enough.

*big giant smooch*

1 comment:

January said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Can't wait to take a look at yours.