scrubs – god I love it. I just love it. tonight they are doing the musical version – you’ve gotta truly appreciate something that has a song called “it all comes down to Poo” hahaha!!! truly FABULOUS! this has been one of my very favorite shows since the first one. it’s fun, it’s funny, and it gives me an insane amount of joy.
have you not seen it? you realllllllly need to see it. and if you don't like it, don't tell me. because i love it. L.O.V.E. it. french kissy love it. yeah, that much.
I've never watched it but I have seen commercials for it and it looks like fun. Someday I am going to be able to watch TV again.
and just think, YOU can have the joy of watching it all on dvd one after the other!! it really is a fun show!
Oh wasn't it divine? I loved the Poo song, too funny. I think Carla was the best singer. and I loved how they set it up as a patient hearing everything as singing, wouldn't that be wild??? Haha, the word verification is SBUPA, it sounds like a good slang word to start using on the kids.
LOVE SCRUBS. LOVE. LOVED THE MUSICAL VERSION. My favorite song was about the poo -- go figure. Been hanging out with Benny I guess. Hehehe.
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