This is mine.

What i want to make perfectly clear - i support all of our soldiers in iraq and everywhere else. i just want them to stop dying. i don't think we (the US) went into this really knowing what it was going to be. many of us never really understood why we went at all. we have a base closeby and many of the kids in irene's classes have dads and moms who are over in iraq. when she was in kindergarten, there was a plane that went down that had several men from stead air force base in it. one of the kids in irene's class was potentially on that plane. many of us moms were trying to figure out who they were b/c one of the men who died was the father of a kindergartener. god - that brought it closer to home and just made me so sad. it was NOT the child in Irene's class who lost a dad that day, but there was another kindergartner who DID.
just the other day, irene and her friend were having a rough time together - irene's friend hurt irene's feelings and so her friend, in turn, hurt irene's feelings. i think it ended with "Irene, we're THROUGH!" which is pretty strong for 7 year olds! i got them both out of the pool (which is where this was taking place). irene decided that the two of them should talk it out. and kids being kids, they were over their differences in minutes. later, i tried to explained to irene that it was not okay to hurt someone else's feelings just because they hurt yours. even though you are mad inside, it is SO much better to talk about it - whether that's with your friend or with your parents. then i tried to explain the war to her in those terms. i said "the leader of iraq hurt the leader of our country's feelings. we then, in turn, hurt the feelings of iraq. it escalated and now we are at war. people are not dying trying to make things better. this is just not okay. we need to work hard at being peaceful first within our family. and with our friends. it needs to go out from us. we need to try and be the best people we can be. this is something you will work on for the rest of your life. i *still* have to work at it! but the important part is that we try."
hopefully it will continue to sink in. it's something i often have to remind myself as well. we need to work on our little family and hopefully we can be a ripple in the pool and affect others. because, really, why the heck can't we just all get along?!?
Excellent post!
I have one of these stickers - I got it directly from.... whatever organization that was giving them away - can't remember which one it was now. It sat on my dining room table for a while and then I figured, ah, what they hay, and stuck it on the back of the Subie. No one has said anything about it yet.
As for bags, when I get a chance, maybe this fall, I'm thinking of making up some bags from fabric to keep in the car. I mean, I've got enough fabric! You should make some and let your kids decorate them. They're such creative little artists.
carrie - thank you. i always feel a bit nervous writing political posts.
laume - i got mine from i've gotten some comments on mine (it's inside against my window). so far they've all been positive. right now, i'm just re-using the plastic bags i have - recycling them. it's always funny to go into wild oats and use the target and TJ bags. and at TJ i often use wild oats. i also have my various totes, but having the kids make some would be fun too. mom has a great pattern for non collapsible (sp?) bags.
Great post, Kristen. I think your message of Peace radiating out is so important. It is difficult to do with a boy in the house. We still have to keep giving them the message, because I think it does get through.
jaye - thank you. it really is something that i have to keep reminding myself...especially now that the star wars box has been opened in our house. rhys is running around "pew pewing" various and sundry invisible geonosians (sp?) and such.
my girlfriend gave me a peace hanging last year that i love - it's hanging from our chandelier (again - sp???) over our dining table. it's nice to see it. we need to remember a little better that it is there.
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