so, it's BARELY friday anymore...that's okay - right? :)
I got this from janet over at FondOfSnape (check out her photography - it's quite lovely!)
1. Last weekend, I was thinking that there is a lot going on in the month of august.
2. If the weather continues like this, i might melt. it's been dang hot this month.
3. Will my sweetpeas ever grow? (they are not blooming - just stretching the greenery...i want the flowers! anyone know how i can get the flowers???)
4. Often, on a summer's night, I think "wow it's beautiful. i'd love to sleep under the stars".
5. Right now, I could use a good strong lovely and large iced latte - with honey and whipped cream.
6. My favorite summertime meal is hmmmm - it depends on the meal time. probably pork ribs, watermelon, potato salad or homemade macaroni salad, and a yummy drink.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to perhaps some mojitos, talking to mom (she gets back from a vacation today), listening to Irene read some of her book, and hopefully watching Eureka, tomorrow my plans include taking the kids to gymnastics, cleaning/straightening the house, welcoming Pat and Bob (rob's folks), visiting with them and having hamburgers and Sunday, I want to go to the Atlantis for sushi and visit more with Pat and Bob :)!
do you want to play? let
janet (and me too) know in comments :)
the *following* is part of the Friday Feast - i found it over at
MissMeliss' blog.
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how polite are you?
i try to be quite polite - probably 8ish is about where i usually am. there are times that i'm probably down by the 5s...perhaps even lower. but, you know, sometimes it depends on the company i'm keeping. :)
What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
okay - it's not the very last thing - but something that made me laugh long and loud was rhys talking about the bad guy from star wars -- you know the one. the one with the double sided light saber? his name, of course, is Dark Mauve. hee hee hee hahahahaha!!!
Who is your favorite cartoon character?
hmmmm -- well, in old school cartoons, i'd have to say Pinken Panfer (aka The Pink Panther). but online -- HOOPS AND YOYO!!! do you know them? they make me so so so SO happy! my favorite is the mother's day one...what kids say "oh mother, i can't seem to find you. mother, are you here? i think that i will go quietly from room to room looking for you calling your name ever so quietly." and what moms hear "MOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! I CAN'T FIND YOU!!! WHERE ARE YOU??? MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Main Course
Tell about the funniest teacher you ever had.
funniest? uh. hmmm. i had some funny teachers, but i'm not sure which was the most funny. perhaps one of my professors in spain (gads! i've blanked his name!) . it was mostly his intonations and phrasology and the fact that we had another student who could mimick him exactly "FĂjense como ese catedral tiene tal y cual"
Complete this sentence: I strongly believe that ______________________.
i strongly believe that the world is full of good people doing good things. i think that the news focuses a bit too heavily on all the crap that is happening. i strongly believe that one person really CAN make a difference. by starting small we can all make the world a better place.'s the
create a connection from july 17th courtesy of
Holly1) When you were going through a rough time in your life, what did someone do to help get you through that period. (you don't have to tell us about the rough time if you don't want, I just want to hear what helped you through it)mostly just talking to me and listening to me. one time during a particularly rough period, my mom gave me Lonesome Dove to read - she knew i needed a tome to just lose myself for some time. it was a great help. but really, listening to me and caring about what i'm saying. 2) Have you ever been on the receiving end of a RAK? What was it? How did it make you feel? yes! :) i've received some special things from special people very randomly. each thing has made me feel special and picked me up when i was feeling down, put a bigger smile on my face even on days when i was already feeling good3) Have you ever sent out a letter/greeting/bunch of flowers to someone, just to cheer them up? Did you do it anonymously? yes i have and no it wasn't anonymous. oh! actually, i DO do anonymous things!! i pay for people behind me on bridges. if i had ever won the california lotto, i wanted to pay for all the commuters during rush hour traffic for 1 hour on the golden gate bridge...i didn't win, but it was fun to think about it.4) If you were not familiar with Random Acts of Kindness before now, are you more inspired to go out and do something nice now?i was already familiar with them and i still think they are wonderful.5) If you know of another good website that encourages spreading joy and love, please pass it along.i hadn't heard of this site before now - but it looks good. it's The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
and finally.....don't forget to go and listen to Scott McMorrow and listen to (and hopefully vote for) his 1-minute play here :D