i was up much too early this morning - mr wigglesworth was squirming into me and my kidneys on one side and probably doing similar (if not worse things) to his father on the other side. but i woke up with after a million and one water dreams (which of course was b/c i had to pee!) - the last one being more along the nightmare water dream than pleasant water dream - it involved my children and much water and being up high and stormy seas etc....anyway, i realized that i'd left the fan on downstairs - oops! so i was heading down to fix that and scraped/gouged/banged my leg with the corner of my hope chest. so when i got downstairs, i decided that i'd just enjoy the silence. it was lovely. and one of my good friends was online back east so we got to chat a bit.
i made some cinnamon rolls yesterday afternoon, so i got them out of the fridge to rise in a warm-ish oven and relaxed a bit more. irene woke up at 5:30 - i don't think she actually went back to bed, but rather got dressed and then crawled in w/rhys and rob. goodness but the child does wake up early.
i went upstairs hoping to snuggle in and go back to sleep for a wee bit...HAHAHAHAHAHA. um, yeah. that didn't so much work out for me. irene was awake and reading, rhys was wiggling and rob was trying to sleep. so i grabbed the kiddos and downstairs we went. rhys asked for hot chocolate, so i got that started. then i preheated the oven and eventually got to put the cinnamon rolls in the oven. while that was happening, i made regular coffee as well as a mocha - usually i do lattes, but a mocha sounded yummy. i used a different kind of chocolat which is yummy in hot chocolate, but doesn't mix quite as well with mochas. oh well. should have stuck w/my latte and honey. actually, now that it's tasting better - perhaps it just needed to rest for a bit.

Hmmmm an hour to the airport, about 4-5hour flight... let's just plan for me to get there later this afternoon!
They look YUMMY!! Can you give me the recipe so I can be super mom too?!
I am so there!!
Save me some!
I wish I was just a weeee bit closer, I'd have been there, in my jammies. I love homemade cinnamon roles. My grandmother made the best - I think I still have her recipe. Thank goodness I was a homemakey sort of young woman and was able to gather up some family recipes before they were lost. Anyway, I coulda used the company and coffee yesterday. I was feeling sort of mopey all day long. Better today though.
julie and anna - we had some waiting...sadly, you didn't arrive in time. *beam*
laume - i wish you *did* come :) it would have been fun. maybe another time.
Hmm, can I get a raincheck for next weekend?
cyn - YOU BETCHA!!! we'll make a double batch! :)
YOU ARE SUCH AN AWESOME MOM. I mean seriously, you are the best. When you have teenagers jutting out their lower lips at you and giving you sass, you can just give them a URL, you know? REMEMBER WHEN I MADE HOMEMADE CINNAMON BUNS FOR YOU, AND YOU LIKED IT. Hehehe. Akshully I'm sure Rhys and Irene will never rebel, they'll be bunned into submission. *cackle*
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