Okay -- here are my halloweenees. I thought i had more of irene -- but it might be that they were from earlier in the week...usually rob goes as a gorilla, but that costume is apparently quite hot. this year he decided to go as Static Cling. I was Super Mama. you can see a wee bit of me in the picture of rhys with his sucker.

I found more. Here is our garage -- until 10/30 when the wind whipped through our area and destroyed our people :( but it was fun to have them up for a while.

and here is irene as tinkerbell

and irene WITH her tinkerbell.

and, because i just found it recently and had scanned it, and it was from halloween, i thought i'd show you this one:

i believe this was 1992. rob and i had been dating for just over 1 year. i was a biker babe (obviously) and am drinking beer, so i must've already been tipsy. i'm wearing rob's fabulous leather jacket and a leotard from HIGH SCHOOL (what better to show the cleavage?!?). Rob was in our friend
Chris' chaps etc. do you like my tattoo? and my beauty mark? how about that wildly toussled big hair? nice, huh? i can't remember where we were -- i don't think it was rob's place, but i can't remember where it was. someplace in rohnert park.
Damn HE IS HOT!!!
I know I just didn't say that but when I look up, I did. Sorry.
Anyway...Where did Irene get that costume? It is the best tinker bell costume I have ever seen. And Rhys is cracking me up. He is so adoreable.
Again, you are a great mom and so involved with your kids. I hope I grow up to be just like you.
Isn't that the kitchen of the Alma St house?
Soooo many memories.....
Carrie - *blush* why thank you. he *is* hot, if i do say so myself. heh heh. and i got irene's costume from costco. every few years they have really good disney costumes. of course, it was barely skimming her bum, so my mom found some perfect fabric and added that to the bottom, so it wasn't quite so teeny tiny length wise. irene decided to wear a leotard underneath it and the fabbo tights too. and thanks for thinking i'm a great mom. there are times when i'm really not. i don't blog that quite so often. like the times when i yell at my poor kids, or the times when one or both are on my very last nerve...
Cyn - THIS is why it's good to have friends that have known me forever and a day read my blog. it certainly could be their house...i just didn't remember them having flowers drying - but maybe michele had done that. hmmmm. maybe rob will comment and let me know what he remembers. or chris, who sometimes reads this. and yeah - many many memories....
I love Rhys costume, how cute is that..lol.
Dontcha just miss being the young one and getting too party?? maybe it's just me..lol
That photo of you and Rob from '92 is awesome! You BOTH look hot!
I love the kids' costumes too and Rob going as Static Cling totally cracks me up.
That's the house of one of the employees from the movie theater. Lisa Ferraro, if I remember correctly.
kara - there are definitely days when i do indeed miss being the young one that gets to party! it still happens, it's just a very rare thing now. and *giggle* i was very pleased w/rhys' costume :)
deb - HAHAHAHAHA! 'fanx :) rob was very funny. irene and i got his outfit all ready for him :)
ahhh - thanks, m'love. and hey! did you see that carrie thinks your hot? and deb thinks we both look hot - though i'm thinking that last one was more of a "HAWT" heh heh
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