Wednesday, August 15, 2007

i've got a theory...

i LOVE the answer i got from the superheroine quiz!!!!

You Are Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"We saved the world. I say we have to party."

truly - isn't this the coolest??? and i didn't change a single answer anywhere. there weren't any questions over which i vassled (which does happen sometimes and so i go to see what the results would be with xyORz as the answers.

can you tell that i loved loved loved buffy? i was also an angel fan. and, while we're at it, i also enjoyed xena (though i stopped watching at some point - maybe b/c rob's schedule had changed?).

which superheroine are you??


Deb R said...

I'm Buffy too! :-)

(Wonder what the other choices were. Hhhmmm......)

Kristen said...

ooh! you too!?! very very cool indeed.

i went back after your wondering and changed one answer - it turned me into Trillion from The Matrix.

Jaye said...

I am Trinity. Who the heck is Trinity???

Kristen said...

oh carp! THAT'S the one, Jaye! NOT trillion (she's from hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and i don't know that she counts as a super hero -- though i also don't really count trinity as one either...) trinity is from The Matrix.

Carrie said...

I'm trinity. I haven't seen The Matrix.