Thursday, March 27, 2008

major progress!


Crunchy Mom said...

That looks amazing! Is that a do it yourself project?

Did you have to go down 12" and lay 4" of rock then 4" sand and then the stones?

That is what's keeping me from doing it ourselves here...

Kristen said...

we didn't have to go down 12" and lay 4" of rock then 4" of sand...i can't remember how far we dug - but it wasn't that far at all. perhaps different kinds of soil need different levels? i don't know. we didn't put down any rock at all and not that much sand.

my fabulous FIL has been doing it. i helped last august/september/october to do the digging, rob finished the digging. bob, irene, and rhys have done most of the work while i've been doing other things like buying 60 pound bags of sand. it will be finished this weekend.

Lydia Netzer said...

Look at YOU!! That's so awesome. It's going to be FANTASTIC.