Thursday, August 17, 2006


irene recovered quickly. yea. i asked her if she'd talked to miss graham. she said that she had not. now she wants to get to school first so that she can be in the front. hmmm. the problem is, she's often having fun crafting/creating/drawing here at home and wants to go to school a little later.

rhys and i worked on the letter A a bit today. it's funny - poor second kid. with irene, i had all the time in the world and she knew her alphabet and knew which letter was which before she was 3. part of this was because of africa school which was very fun and worked so well and lydia and i had a fabbo time working on it on our opposite coasts. i tried valiantly to do south america school w/irene and rhys this has not gone well. i just couldn't figure out the time to do it. maybe if i had started it THIS year w/irene in school all day, it would have worked better. who knows. maybe i'll try it over again. so, rhys knows lots of stuff that irene might not have when she was 3, but there are so many things i'd done w/irene by this time that i've NOT done with rhys. ugh, the guilt. it's hard when i want to be able to do everything and it just doesn't seem to happen. i miss having our super rockin' cool patio w/patio cover in rohnert park. we painted almost every single day and it didn't matter that the paint got on the ground. we could paint in the noonday sun b/c we had the patio cover. rhys doesn't get that opportunity so much. also, we had hardwood floors in Rohnert Park. here we have carpet. biocolors are not easy to get out of anything - ESPECIALLY carpet and clothing...

so, today rhys and i worked on A. he pasted and we painted and we played with playdough. it was fun. does rhys recognize A? i don't know for sure. i think he was tired of me asking him about it. he wanted to make H and B and S and "spaters" (not sure what those are exactly - some sort of space thing he's made up). we had fun. THAT is what really matters.

the end.


Moon said...

Hi kristen, here from Michele's today.
I only had one child..she will be 16 next month, how the time flys!...I enjoyed a sort of mommy and me preschool class way back then...and now my daughter will be graduation highschool after this next yr of school. Hard to believe lol.

utenzi said...

Michele sent me to see y'all out in Nevada, Kristen.

It sounds like you're raising a very creative crew there. I hope they have the creative spirit within them so that your lessons will take root. So much of parenting is providing example and oppurtunity and hoping that it'll all work out for the best.

MorahMommy said...

I'm glad you were having fun...that's what it's all about.

I can hardly believe that our youngest just turned 6. Where did the time go?

Michele sent me today.

Kristen said...

moon -- where does the time go, indeed? w/irene, i was working at a preschool in the toddler room. she was in my class, so she got all my creativity in those 4 hours. i was dead by the time we got home an hour or so later.

utenzi - thanks :) i believe that their creative spirit is most definitely within. they are both very imaginative and creative in many ways. i've had art products available to them both from teh time they were pretty bitty.

morah mommy - you're right - having fun IS what it's all about. my oldest is 6 (will be 7 three days before christmas) and so thoroughly enjoying first grade. but yes, where the heck DID the time go? it just flies right out the door! especially when you have more than one! one went super fast, 2 is like light speed.

thank you for stopping by.

Deb R said...

So kristen, do you have any sort of patio space where you are now? And if so, could you and Rob buid some sort of cover for it? Maybe one of those trellis-y things you can train vines over? (I've never built one, but they don't look too hard.) It sounds like something you'd really use a lot! (I bet where you are you have to meet a lot of rules and things for adding anything to your house though, yes? Bah!)

Kristen said...

we have a 3 foot by 2 foot concrete "pad" and yep, if we had known how many upidstay rules there would be here, i don't know that we'd have bought this house. i DO like the house, but the HOA is just screwed. so many ridiculous rules, it's just not even funny. we're supposed to have sent our plans for our backyard. we were supposed to do that before we did anything back there. but they didn't tell us that until 2 months AFTER we'd done things. again, SO lame that we have to tell them about our BACK yard. yeesh. but yes, it IS something that would be used if we had one. some day. when all the houses here have sold from the builder. perhaps then the HOA will back off a little bit.

rob and i look longingly at the big lots that have no HOA requirements. ah well.

Dawn said...

Glad you had a good day at the end of it all and hopefully some learning will come out of it in the end also.

Michele sent me ;)

Shooter said...

Michele sent me! I only have one kid and she is 7 months so I don't really know what I am talking about, but I think it is always harder with the second kid. You can give your first child all of your attention, but you can't do that with the second. You will get there though! Good luck.

Carrie said...

You sound like a great mom. I hope that I won't have to work so much whenever I choose to have children so I can really be good with them.

Shephard said...

You can never have enough playdough time.

Michele says hello!


Jennie said...

Hey Kristin, I checked out Africa school and put it on my favorites to do with my son. Sean would enjoy it. I know what you mean about not doing it all with the 2nd...and the 3rd? Forget it! My 3rd actually taught himself the alphabet at 26 months playing with a winnie the Pooh game in the basement while I homeschooled the other two upstairs. I guess he knew he had to take matters into his own hands. ;) Would you mind if I linked your blog?

Kristen said...

dawn - thanks. yes, i think some learning happened. it might not have been the letter A, but learning was happening.

j - hee hee - even having one, you get a sense of it. for me, having a second was more than doubling. for a while it was such a hard thing - trying to nurse the baby and give the first one the same attention to which she was accustomed. more often than not, i felt like i was failing miserably. then, as they get older, the balance sort of switches and i don't get to spend as much time w/the just the younger one. i guess it's all about finding that balance...

carrie - thank you. i think i'm going to do a post about the working thing. i feel pretty lucky that we've managed (sort of) as well as wel have.

shephard - EXACTLY!

jennie - i'm glad you like Africa school. it really is my friend Lydia's baby. she's a truly absolutely amazing mama. SHE has got the balance thing pretty worked out, i think. very funny about the 3rd! and yes, please, link away! :) thank you.

Laume said...

I'm just gonna call you but I'll add something here anyway. Remember, learning your letters early or late, doesn't matter. Just like if your child learns to walk at 8 months or 16 months. Either way it won't matter at some point in the future. It's the sharing and loving and having fun part that matters. The one of my five who taught himself to read first, is the least "intellectual" of them all. It's not a race, it's a meandering, climbing, detouring, scenery type of trip.

Kara said...

it's the fun things he will remember..thats important