DebR who is very pretty and special and talented and smart and funny and beautiful and has such lovely shoes has honored me and just whelmed me over with a Thinking Blogger Award!!! this means i was one of 5 bloggers she chose. i'd never even heard of this before and am just amazed and pleased and puffed up like a peacock. oh, did i say that before?
As Deb said, i greatly enjoy each of the blogs that i have posted on my blog as well as some others that i haven't yet put on there. but, this is a share the love meme and it has rules...
1)you are supposed to link to the original post
2) choose five other blogs that make you think and pass along the love and adoration and the
special award.
3) deb has asked that we choose at least ONE person who is a thinking blog award virgin
and so, here i go....my choices for a Thinking Blogger Award are:
1) Lydia at keep your eye on the kids
2) dara at daramusing
3) Carrie at Draw Circles
4) Julie ZS at High Fiber Content
5) Jaye at Artquiltmaker Blog
And again, Deb, thank you!! i think of you every single day - when we sit down to eat in my dining room, when i answer the phone, when i cook. all places that have little (and not so little) pieces of your art. i am lucky lucky lucky to have you in my life - and i'd've given this right back to you, my friend. b/c your blog makes me think and makes me laugh, and inspires me. *smooooch!* thank you!
Thank you indeed, what an honor! I promise to continue to both think and blog. :) xxoo
I'm thrilled with your choices, kristen. Every person you chose is someone that could easily have made my list too. Big hugs and smoooooochies!!
Awww, thanks, Kristen. :D I think my blog must make you think, "Where the hell is Lydia today and what the hell is she doing?" Hehehe. SMOOCHERS.
Thanks so much kristen, you've made my day. What an honor coming from you. I'll be sure to pass it on.
You are the best! Thanks for thinking of blog as one tha tmakes you think. I was wondering this week why I do it and you have answered the question. I will have to make my post about the Thinking Blogger Award soon. Thanks again!
Ah thank you. I can't imagine making you think but thank you. I'll get on this post asap.
love ya!
Hey, Congratulations! You definitely deserve this award! Your posts always make me think!
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