...blogger didn't want to post last night - i'm REALLLLLLY hoping this posts w/the pictures b/c i had saved the HTML.......
okay - here we are in the garage. this is one of the bookshelves in our garage.
let's see...here we have some various and sundry books -- omg - i have TWO of those idiots guide books here -- one i got before irene was born (and yes, i had the idiot's guide to the perfect wedding as well - and think what you will, but it was really fantastic and had fabbo ideas). the other one rob gave me. also
The Juniper Tree (my copy does NOT have this cover) - which mom and ken got me on their honeymoon in carmel in 1978. Also ...When we were Six by AA Milne which i got from one of my mom's good friends when my brother Jeremy was born in 1976. there are some books that belonged to my gramma -- The Wonder Clock by Howard Pyle is one of them. There are some Baseball books, some of our Harry Potter books, a few Spanish books and books in spanish. the book on the 2nd shelf with the naked spine is The Wind in the Willows that belonged exclusively to my great grandmother holloway, my mom, and my uncle.

i have several books in spanish - el clan del cavernario was the first book in spanish that i read (that was not originally in spanish). i'm a bit behind in getting my harry potter books - i have 4 of them. i also have some books from when i was in university in spain. thank heavens my roommate was able to explain some of them. oh my.

i had to get a new copy of Old Fashioned Girl. my great aunt gave me the first copy that i had. it was an old library copy (she, my great aunt, was a librarian). i read it to pieces. you can see it there with the spine that says Old Fashioned Girl in silver writing. i also have several robert jordan books. i got irritated with him. whereas so far, the terry goodkind books are enjoyable books - each of them (again, so far), i was on book 8? or 9? and a few of them i found myself skipping many many pages and yet not missing what was happening. maybe when mr jordan is finished with the whole series, i'll enjoy reading them at that point.
I've also got
Edith Hamilton's Mythology book and rob's very fun Dilbert books, haha!! i see that we have
Bud E Love's You Oughta Be Me book! giggle! we saw him at the sweetwater. One of my wrinkle in time books is here as well.

i have greatly loved the David Eddings books (now known as the david and leigh eddings books). there is also more louisa may alcott and madeline l'engle. peace like a river is also here. oh! and Stephen Donaldson and and and...

here we have more baseball, more fantasy, and my tearstained copy of little women.

and over here we have another bookshelf...remember - this is a garage, so you will see garage type stuff here.
The second shelf contains many of my
monday morning books. they are wonderful and i highly recommend them to any and all teachers. the ones i use most are the pre-k through 2nd grade right now.

here we've got more children's books mixed in with some of my books and rob's books.

and more madeline l'engle (the wrinkle in time series and many of her other series as well), more david eddings, some patricia kennealy and hmm -ahh, my tarot is there too - well, one set.

oh, and some brian jacques are on the above shelf too. below we have not one but TWO brain coloring books as well as my neurological psych books. and yes, see that 1001 MORE romantic things to do? well, see the next picture please...

rob was born in 1966 - do you see what number 1966 is?

rob does that for me. with exactly that - b&j's heath bar crunch. so there! it really *IS* true love. just in case anyone ever doubted it.
so, tell me....what's on YOUR shelves?
You have A LOT of books. Mine are so scattered. I have a drawer full of them here at the office.
heh -- and this is after giving about 3 or 4 boxes away....and i have more that are still IN boxes...i have a hard time getting rid of books. i reread books happily and some of them i read once a year or once every few years.
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