okay --- at some point
Joshilyn Jackson (and just in case you DON'T know her or of her, the H is silent and she wrote
gods in Alabama and
Between, Georgia and i am very anxiously awaiting the 2008 release of
The Girl Who Stopped Swimming) had a picture of her lamp, but you could see the bookshelf. so one of her lovely and pretty and smart reader/friends asked her to enlarge it or tell us what was on it, which she did. then, i believe that Joshilyn challenged her readers to take pictures of their own bookshelves. some friends of mine rose to the challenge - like
Deb R and
Laume and
Julie. you will notice that all of those bookshelves are beautiful and pristine and orderly. and julie's is full of potential and promise. my bookshelves are not beautiful or pristine or orderly...so just remember that. and hey! no judgement!! :) and if you're wondering why you don't see
gods or
Between on any shelves today or tomorrow, it's because i've loaned them to my mother.
and now, on with the show...
the bookshelves in our house are really primarily filled with children's books. the bookshelves that hold most of my books and rob's books are......in the garage.....today will be the in the house.
we'll start upstairs: Here is a mini bookshelf in our room. primarily children's (ish) books - well, okay, so the murder 2 isn't so much for kids. my cousin loaned that to me when i was in need of something to read. the stephen donaldson books are books i first read in high school (mostly b/c that's when they came out in paperback).

then we have the books in/on my nightstand

i'm re-reading the terry goodkind books - and actually just started one from the library. it's a bit frustrating when you think it's going to be over in 4 books. right now i'm reading book 7. up on top you can also see the Pure Dead books by Debi Gliori. I first looked into these when i saw them at borders. she is the author of two of my favorite (and the kids' favorite) picture books which are featured in rhys' room. anyway, ted (my brother) gave the first two to irene for christmas. we're currently on book three. she seems to be enjoying them. b/c my scottish accent is miserable, i read it all in an english accent. rob does a fabbo scottish accent so when he reads for mrs. mclaughlin, it sounds fabbo! there are also some Charlie Bone books (by jenny nimmo). a series of 5 books - i enjoyed them. they are harry potter for the younger crowd. not quite so intense as harry potter, but still, quite enjoyable. also some little house books. irene hasn't yet read those - they might be next in the lineup.
and here is irene's bookshelf (i didn't include her nightstand which has some more books).
on top are some fairy treasures she's received and the little teeny book is a fairy book that she made for the fairies. the fairies moved it there so they could read it each time they come to visit her.
the top shelf has several chapter books and anthology-ish books. the 2nd shelf has books that she might grab at night. yes, we let her read until she's ready to fall asleep or until she does fall asleep. she's usually asleep by 8:30, so it's not a big problem. i used to read to my nightlight so i have no problem with her having actual better light to read.

here is one shot of rhys' bookshelf. it's not really full b/c he likes to have his options of what to read. they generally end up scattered on the floor or next to his bed. there is also a large pile NEXT to this bookshelf.


the beetle book (on the far right on top of the stack) is a BRILLIANT book. it's The Beetle Alphabet. hidden in many pictures (perhaps each picture, though i'm not really sure) are the titles of beatle songs!! oh! and see the pink book on the ground? That's Polar Bolero and next to that is No Matter What - both are by Debi Gliori. Perhaps you recognize her illustrations - she's done several books. and under No Matter What is Petite Rouge Riding Hood by Mike Artell (an autographed copy!). it's a very very fun book to read. it's the cajun retelling of little red riding hood (if she were a duck and the wolf were a 'gator). You can also see Emma Kate which is a newly acquired book - it's by Patricia Polacco. it's a sweet book about an imaginary friend (both of my kids have them and it's interesting to see the different ways in which they interact w/their "pretend friends") with a surprise ending. you'll also see Dr Suess' ABC. we're working hard on the alphabet here at the antinori preschool...
and downstairs, we have this bookshelf (we have another one, but i forgot to take a picture of it). more and mroe kids books. the one w/the blue cover is The Singing & Dancing Hamburger. It's a brilliant book. It won 2nd best story. heh. in sixth grade. giggle. oh! and down at the bottom is knuffle bunny by Mo Williams. another must have book! did you know that the K is NOT silent in that title? i didn't until we saw it on Reading Rainbow!

so...what's on YOUR bookshelves?
and, i hope to have the garage bookshelves done tomorrow.
I have that book by Al Franken. snicker And I tried reading the Terry Goodkind books but it was during one of the worst times of my life so now I can't dare pick one up.
I have probably every VC Andrew book because I got addicted to them in middle school so as an adult, I wanted them all in hardback. I have a lot of classic novels (Hemmingway, Steinbeck, Bronte) and then travel books. I'll have to do this next week. I'm going to get so made fun of.
i read several vc andrews books - then, when multiple books were coming out after she died, i lost interest. i have several hemmingway books as well. i have a number of travel books - many of them in spanish. we have a ton of books that are still packed in boxes - ugh! in our first house, we had built in bookshelves. i LOVED them!!
it will be fun to see yours!!
If I showed my shelves everyone would faint or sneeze themselves to death from the dustbunnies!
You seem to have more kids books and a larger variety than our local library!
:-D eirdre
Oh scattered books all around and messy book shelves. I loved when those little years when we used to curl up and just read and re-read everything.
Okay, let me get this straight - MY bookshelves are included in the comment about being "beautiful and pristine and orderly"!?!?
And you've SEEN my bookshelves.
Oh man. That was hysterical. Thanks. I needed a good laugh.
I love the children's books. Oh, the days I spend reading stacks of children's books. Sigh. Thanks for jogging that lovely memory too.
:Deidre - i didn't take pictures that were close enough to show all the dust *smile* and yep, we have a good selection of children's books. i love them. i didn't include the still boxed children's books and the various other places you can find them in our house and car.
Shaz - it is a wonderful time. the other morning, i woke up and did a few things. i went by irene's room, and she was happily in her room reading one of her chapter books. there are not too many sights that warm a mother's hart (or at least THIS mother's heart) more than that!
Laume -- i HAVE seen them -- but you only took pictures of the neat and pristine ones *smile* i LOVE your bookshelves. we had built in ones in rohnert park (i think i have mentioned this already) and i miss them greatly.
i almost called you teh other day but thought you were still in san diego with beautiful joli (well and joe and lisa too - lol) to ask about one of the children's authors you love. i'm glad you enjoyed the memory. :)
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